
Tracking Tokens

This section describes how to use the LedgerScan UI to add tokens to be tracked, view a summary of all tracked tokens and to view the details of individual tracked tokens.

Summary of Tracked Tokens

Select Tokens from the Configure section of the navigation menu to open a summary of all configured tokens.

Each row provides a summary of data associated with the tracked tokens.

NameDiscretionary name provided when the token is added
SymbolToken's Symbol
LedgerLedger in which the token resides
Priced asThe price symbol used for the asset being priced
PriceThe price of a token, expressed as a ratio of Priced As / Priced In. For example; BTC/USD is the Bitcoin asset price
Total ValueThe market cap of the token, calculated by Total Tokens x Price
24hr ChangeThe change inthe token’s value 24 hours before the data was requested.
Tracking StatusToggle for administrators to enable or disable tracking of a token

About Tracking Status

Disable actions create gaps in historical data.

  • Enabling tracking commences the aggregation of data from ledgers and populates historic activities and price.
  • Disable tracking stops the aggregation of data from ledgers.

View Token Options

Use the three dots to on the far right-side of the row for each token to show available actions for that token:


Edit certain fields of the token

Link to tranche

Link the token to a pre-configured tranche (coming soon)


Remove the token from the list

Pair with priced item

Associate a pricing pair to get the token pricing and the token value

Configuration - Token Summary

This list may be empty if no tokens have been configured.

Adding Tokens

Clients can curate the list of tokens they want to monitor by adding tokens.

Token configuration within LedgerScan is for tokens that already exist and have a token address on their respective ledger. Adding tokens in LedgerScan is read-only; LedgerScan does not perform any token issuance transactions.

Note: Non-Fungible tokens are not yet supported.

  • 1

    Click Add Token

    From the Token Summary screen, click the Add Token button

  • 2

    Enter Token characteristics

    Note: The LedgerScan application will display this name when presenting the token throughout the application.


    Token Name

    The token's discretionary name.


    Select which ledger the token resides in


    Type in the Symbol of the token

    Ledger ID

    The address of the token’s smart contract (must copy this from another source)

    External ID

    Discretionary field that you can use to insert any field to correlate this token with externally integrated systems

  • 3

    Click Add Token

    The new token appears on the list on the Token Summary screen. Use the Search by Token feature to quickly locate it, if necessary.

Token Detail

Click a token name to select it and to open the Token Detail screen, where you can explore the token's transformation, market cap, and cap table.

This section provides a view of the following token attributes:

Token NameName of token given when the token was configured
SymbolSymbol of token given when the token was configured
LedgerName of the ledger on which the token was issued
Ledger ID / Token ContractThe address of the token contract on the respective ledger
External IDDiscretionary field used to correlate this token with another integrated
Priced AsThe symbol of the token being priced
Priced InThe symbol of the asset being used to express value
Max Total SupplyTotal tokens in circulation
Tracking StatusIndicator of whether the token is enabled or disabled for tracking
Price HistoryThe date and time that appear above the pricing graph emphasize the effective time of the chart’s most recent data

About Price History

The table provides options for historical intervals. Hover over the graph to highlight the data points value along the timeline. The token's price history is only plotted when the token’s tracking is enabled and the token is linked to a Priced In symbol.

Historical price data will be populated for tokens after tracking is enabled.

Additional Token Details

There are three tabs under the token details: Overview, Activities and Cap Table.

Note: If a wallet has been configured to be tracked in the LedgerScan application, its name will be present in the list of token holders under the Wallet column.


This tab displays highlights of the most recent activities and cap table.

  • Click View All under the respective tables to see more data.


Shows the list of activities. An activity is a transaction from the perspective of a token.

  • The default date range is the last 24 hours. Tokens with a low transaction volume can potentially appear to have no transactions. In this case ,set the date range to include more historical data.
  • If a wallet has been configured for tracking in the LedgerScan application, its name appears in the list of token activities under From or To.

Cap Table

Displays all holders of the selected token.

  • Includes the Wallet address, % ownership of the tokenized asset, and total quantity held
  • If a pricing pair is linked to the token, the Cap table will also show the value of each wallet's holdings.

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