Role Management Introduction

The Role Management developer guide will describe the functions associated with Roles, Role Registry, Role Contexts, and Role Context Factory.

This enables developers to perform the following:

  • Create a Role
  • Update Role's name and description
  • Update Role's Controller
  • Update Role's Visibility
  • Create a Role Context
  • Add a Role to a Role Context
  • Assign a Role to a wallet/EOA/smart contract
  • Remove a Role from a Role Context
  • Add a Role Context to a context
  • Remove a Role Context from a context
  • Override the default role

Role Registry

Create a Role

Use IRoleRegistry interface's createRole function to create a new Role.

To retrieve the role address, list to the transaction receipt and collect the RoleCreatedInRegistry event.

function createRole(string calldata name, string calldata description, address controller) external returns (address role);

Note: Address returned will be the role smart contract address.



Role name. e.g., "Transfer Agent"


Role description. eg. "Transfer Agent performs minting, burning and etc."


Controller address. eg. transfer agent wallet address

Update a Role's Name and Description

Using IRoleRegistry interface's updateRole function, update the name and description of a role.

function updateRole(address role, string calldata name, string calldata description) external;



Role address. eg. transfer agent role address


Role name eg. "Transfer Agent"


Role description eg. "Transfer Agent performs minting, burning and etc."

Update Role's Controller

Use IRoleAgency interface's updateRoleController function to update the controller of a role.

function updateRoleController(address role, address newController) external;



Role address. eg. transfer agent role address


Controller address. eg. issuer wallet address

Update Role's Visibility

Using IRoleRegistry interface's updateRoleVisibility function, update the visibility of a role it can be local/global.

function updateRoleVisibility(address _role, Visibility _newVisibility) external;



Role address. eg. transfer agent role address


Visibility type. local | global

Role Context

Add a Role to a Role Context

Using IRoleAgency interface's addRole function, add a role to a role context.

function addRole(address role) external;



Role address. eg. transfer agent role address

Assign a Role to a wallet/EOA/smart contract

Use IRoleAgency interface's assignRole function to assign a role which is present in the role context to a wallet.

function assignRole(address role, address agent) external;



Role address. eg. transfer agent role address


Wallet address (eg. transfer agent wallet address)

Remove a Role from a Role Context

Using IRoleContext interface's removeRole function, remove a role from a role context.

function removeRole(address role) external;



Role address. eg. transfer agent role address

Role Agency

Add a Role Context to a context

Using IRoleAgency interface's addRoleContext function, add a role context to a context.

function addRoleContext(address roleContext) external;


Role Context

Role context address

Remove a Role Context from a context

Using IRoleAgency interface's removeRoleContext function, remove the attached role context from a context.

function removeRoleContext() external;

Override the default role

Using IRoleAgency interface's overrideDefaultRole function, override the default role which was set early. Populate following parameters in the function:

function overrideDefaultRole(bytes4 functionSig, address role) external;


FunctionSig Context

4 bytes function signature Ex: "0x865595e9"


Role address. eg. transfer agent role address

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