
Wallet Analytics provides seamless monitoring and management of crypto wallets across multiple networks.

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    Wallet Management

    Easily add, update, or remove wallets from tracking on any supported blockchain network.

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    Transaction Tracking

    Our system allows you to chase wallet transactions as they happen, ensuring you're always updated on every movement.

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    Historical Data Import

    Seamlessly import historical transaction data for a complete view of your wallet's past activities

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    Balance Review (Current & Historic)

    Access both current and historical balances of your wallets.

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    Wallet Value History

    Track your wallet's value over time

Helpful Terminology

WalletWallets store private keys to keep tokens/assets safe, accessible, and authorizes movement of value.
Wallet IDThe wallet’s address on a specific ledger. This may have a slightly different format for EVM vs. other non-EVM ledgers.
External IDA LedgerScan specific attribute of a token or wallet which is user defined at the point of configuring the object. This may be used for establishing a common identifier (account, or asset identifier) of a wallet or token which is represented in a new or existing financial system that has been integrated with LedgerScan.
Priced AsWhen specifying pricing for a token, the Priced As is the base asset symbol that is being priced. For BTC/USD – BTC is the priced asset.
Priced InWhen specifying pricing for a token, the Priced In is the asset used to express price. For BTC/USD – USD is the priced in asset. In the initial release of LedgerScan, Priced In defaults to USD.
Cap TableThe master shareholder registry which shows all wallets holding a specified asset, their % ownership of the asset, quantity of tokens held, and value of tokens held.
Wallet Positions / Wallet BalancesThe list of holdings within a wallet to include token, quantity held, and value. Wallet balances are a reference to the quantity of tokens held by a wallet.
TransactionsA ledger transaction can represent any state change, transfer of value, or any other change which occurs on the blockchain.
LedgerA ledger is a reference to a specific blockchain network. Examples include Ethereum Mainnet, Polygon, Avalanche, HyperLedger Besu, Stellar, etc.

Tracking Wallets

Adding and tracking a wallet involves the same sequence as tracking tokens. Once a wallet is added and tracking is enabled, LedgerScan begins aggregating data from the ledger 24x7 until wallet tracking is disabled. To aggregate data for a wallet of interest, follow the steps in the table below.

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    Retrieves the list of supported ledgers within the tenancy. This endpoint may be optionally used in advance of adding a token or wallet as a ledger must be specified for both.

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    Adds the wallet to the LedgerScan database. The wallet will default to a disabled tracking status. See the API Reference for detailed parameters.

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    Enables tracking status causing data aggregation on the wallet to begin. This same endpoint may be used for disabling tracking as well.

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    Optional: Retrieves a list of all tokens and the associated token summary data. See the API Reference for detailed parameters.

Adding a wallet will involve providing the following attributes

Wallet NameThis is a discretionary name of the wallet. This name will be included in the response to GET v1/wallets as well as other wallet endpoints where wallet details are required.
LedgerThe ledger on which the wallet has been issued.
Ledger IDThe address of the wallet on the ledger.
External IDDiscretionary field that you can use to insert any ID to correlate this wallet with externally integrated systems.

The point at which wallet data is aggregated from the ledger is the point when tracking is enabled. No historical data prior to the point of tracking will be automatically collected. However, historical ledger data can be requested (coming soon).


When a user toggles a wallet from enabled to disabled, data aggregation will stop. At some point in the future, if the tracking status of the wallet is enabled again, data aggregation will resume. However, this will create a gap in your data. Filling this gap will require requesting historical data for the wallet during the period of the gap. Ensure only authorized administrators have permissions to toggle tracking status.

Once the sequence of steps are complete you may begin calling other wallet endpoints to view data such as wallet positions, activities and value history.

Retrieving Wallet Data

Once a wallet has been added and enabled for tracking, retrieving views of the wallet data are enabled. The entries in the table below can be independently called to retrieve a wallet’s detailed attributes, positions, activities, and value history:

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    Retrieve the list of all wallets currently being tracked. Includes wallet addresses, ledgers, and tracking status.

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    Retrieves detailed information about a specific wallet including name, ledger, tracking status, etc.

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    Retrieves the wallet’s value history of the wallet’s asset showing historical performance changes.

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    Returns the current and historical balances of a specified wallet.

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    Retrieves the current and historical capitalization table for a token. This requires the token to be linked to a pricing pair.

In the initial release of LedgerScan, all values will be expressed in USD. Also, please note that value will only be present for wallet holdings that are tracked in LedgerScan whereby such tokens are linked to a price pair.

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